Why so quiet

So, I feel that I should write an update so that  my readers have some idea what the hell is going on with my blog.

I have been out to eat lots of places and have made some notes each time to write about it. But, alas, life has gotten in the way. I have moved jobs, moved house (well i’m in a temporary home at the moment while I wait for my beloved flat to sell….anyone want to buy a flat??), and moved to a different city. Different country actually as I am now in England. Will be back in Glasgow a lot I imagine but my time to myself has been totally killed off by the fact that I stupidly signed up to do a part time masters degree. Which basically means a half weeks study in terms of hours on top of my normal full time job which is longer hours than the normal 9-5 as it is. I am finding it really hard to get all of that done, never mind getting on to the blog. I have a tonne of uni work to do as I am writing this but the only reason that I am allowing myself the time to do anything on the blog is because I am currently off work sick.
So posts are going to be far fewer and further between. I do have a tonne of posts to catch up on so a lot of them will be a little out of date from when I actually visited the restaurants and I am aware that menus, etc, may have changed since then.

The photo is courtesy of “The Mac Shack” from the Edinburgh festival this year. Didn’t get round to posting about it at the time but this was the best bit of munch I had whilst there. The stall had a huge paella pan full of mac and cheese (I wanted to stick my face in it!) and then they add various toppings. This one was bacon, pesto and mozzarella. Just what you want on the fly at the festival in-between the booze.


Foodie x

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